Five Skills I have Obtained
Having reviewed the Career Builder (2017), I ostensibly discovered that the general education course I pursued increased my capability of serving well as a personnel manager. The success in working as a personnel manager will be grounded on diversity awareness, ethics and moral reasoning, communication, interpersonal, and critical thinking skills. To start with diversity skills will ultimately help me to understand the best practices to deal with colleagues and other employees in the institution (Ngang & Chan, 2015). Equally, I will apply diversity skills to comprehend cultural imperatives and establish a healthy relationship with everyone in the organization. Moreover, ethical and moral reasoning has taught me the relevance of displaying sympathy and empathy while handling workers (Cajander et al., 2011). Ethics will fundamentally help me to be honesty, integrity, and above all, remain straightforward in all actions I undertake. Additionally, I gained communication skills which improved how to express my opinion explicitly, demonstrate competency, listen, and influence people. Further, the course has expanded my interpersonal skills which will enhance how I socialize and relate with employees, colleagues and other professionals. Importantly, the study has improved my critical thinking skills which are crucial in making smarter decisions.
How the Newly Acquired Skills and Knowledge Shaped my Professional and Personal Development
Notably, the newly gained skills have impacted my personal life through improving the way I solve issues, structure my time appropriately to ensure all activities are done accordingly, and maintain a good relationship with individuals (Schoeman & Mabunda, 2012). On the other hand, these skills have enhanced my professional development by improving reasoning, formulate appropriate strategies, and highly act morally in all undertakings.
Plans to Putting my Education to Use in the Community
My ultimate objective is to graduate and work as a personnel manager. I will use this opportunity to provide training to young professionals who intend to become more successful in their respective positions. Also, I will spend some of the salary to support charity events that are rapidly carried out in my community to help the elderly.
Cajander, A., Daniels, M., McDermott, R., & Von Konsky, B. R. (2011). Assessing professional skills in engineering education. In Proceedings of the Thirteenth Australasian Computing Education Conference, 114, pp. 145-154.
Career Builder. (2017). Federal Jobs in Virginia. Explore Careers. Accessed on Sep 27, 2017 from
Ngang, T. K., & Chan, T. C. (2015). The importance of ethics, moral and professional skills of novice teachers. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 205, pp. 8-12.
Schoeman, S., & Mabunda, P. L. (2012). Teaching practice and the personal and socio-professional development of prospective teachers. South African Journal of Education, 32(3), pp. 240-254.